Follow up DHEM surveys planned as part of strategy to close in on high-grade mineralisation; This will be followed immediately by targeted drilling.
The discovery is made within a new greenstone belt approximately 80km north-south by 20kms east-west an area previously mapped as entirely granite. The entire area is within Nimy Resources tenement holding.
8 inclined (-60°) RC drill holes to a depth of 240 metres tested a zone of EM conductivity has intersected massive and disseminated nickel, copper, cobalt and PGE in sulphides.
Mineralisation is subvertical and now extends 160m along strike and 216m down dip remaining open in all directions.
Down hole sulphide-rich intercepts up to 45 metres thick include Cu to 0.69%, Ni to 0.70%, Co to 0.16% and PGEs (Pd+Pt) to 0.59 g/t
Follow-up fieldwork will include an extension to the ground-based geophysics, extensional drilling on the Masson sulphide system and the selection of new drill targets.
Nimy Executive Director Luke Hampson said:
The follow up 8-hole drill program has significantly enhanced the prospectivity of the Masson Prospect and the entire newly identified greenstone belt under cover and unexplored that is held by Nimy Resources. Drilling has extended the sulphide zone to a 160m strike length and to a depth of 216 metres.
The copper, nickel, cobalt and platinum group element sulphide mineralisation is associated with a mafic intrusive rock similar the Nova Bollinger and Savannah deposits in Western Australia. This setting is entirely different to the thick komatiite flows found in the southern part of the Mons Project.The next steps are to extend the exploration at Masson with enhanced geophysical surveys and drilling, also to continue to review the geology and structural components of the unexplored greenstone belt covered by the Mons Project in the core of the Yilgarn Craton and develop priority drill targets for orogenic gold and sulphide-hosted copper and nickel mineralisation.
These results not only enhance the prospectivity of the Masson Prospect, they highlight the outstanding potential of the entire greenstone belt held by Nimy.”