The MONS Project is situated at the northern end of the Forrestania nickel belt, which hosts a World-Class nickel endowment at the southern end with numerous other high-grade nickel deposits extending to the north.
The MONS Project

District Scale
- 100% owned large tenement holding of ~3004 sqkm covering the majority of the currently identified mineralised systems
- 140 Kms NNW of the mining centre of Southern Cross
- Yilgarn Craton setting on boundary of Younami and Southern Cross Terrain
- Project held for 6 Years privately by Nimy
- Previous explorers focused on gold and other minerals due to depressed Nickel demand.
- Geological setting forms a Mafic/Ultramafic rock sequence with typical Kambalda style Nickel-Sulphide formations identified.
- Multiple large scale cross cutting structures form potential traps for nickel sulphide formations.

Region Unlocked
Region unlocked through systematic exploration. Programs completed to date:
- Surface exploration geochemistry
- Surface geological mapping
- Detailed aerial magnetics
- Shallow drilling for geology and geochemistry
- Deeper targeted R/C drilling for mineralisation identification
- Detailed ground magnetics
- Fixed loop EM for conductive trends
The big picture
- 100% owned large tenement holding.
- Pipeline of over 30 targets over 6 target areas.
- Systematic approach to the exploration with the aim of defining economic Nickel-Sulphide resources.
- Initial exploration focus on Nickel-Sulphide Mineralisation in Zone A using industry standard methods.
- Expanding early stage exploration across the tenement package extending knowledge base and reefing the exploration modelling.
- Potential for multicommodity discoveries.

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