Appointment of Dr. John Simmonds as Technical Advisor – Geology

Nimy Resources (ASX:NIM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John Simmonds as Technical Advisor-Geology. Dr. Simmonds brings over 40 years of specialised experience in geology, with a significant emphasis on mineral exploration Cu-PGE-Ni targeting models.

His career highlights include:
  • Senior Technical Geologist at several major mining companies, where he was instrumental in leading teams through exploration phases and resource definition projects across Australia and internationally.
  • Geological Consultant providing strategic advice on resource development, geological modelling, and exploration strategy for both junior and established mining companies. Most recently as the Lead Geologist for targeting and new ventures at ASX listed Chalice Mining Ltd.
  • Senior Exploration Geologist with expertise in conducting geological mapping, geochemical sampling, and drilling programs aimed at discovering new mineral deposits, particularly in copper, nickel and gold. Including 18 years with Western Mining Corporation (WMC) focusing on target generation and early-stage exploration of Cu-PGE-Ni in Australia and overseas.

John holds a bachelor’s degree and PhD in geology from Cardiff University and an MBA in corporate finance from the University of Western Australia. John also has an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow role at Curtin University School of Earth and Planetary Science, where he focuses on research in mineral systems controls and evolution of the West Yilgarn Magmatic Province.

Nimy’s Executive Director Luke Hampson said:

We are excited to have John join our technical team. His extensive background in exploration targeting, particularly in copper, PGE and nickel sulphide deposits, will be invaluable as we advance our exploration programs within the Mons Belt in WA and other key sites. John’s strategic insights and technical expertise will undoubtedly contribute to our goal of discovery of major critical metals in an under explored greenstone belt of WA.”


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copper, Mons Belt, Nickel

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