VTEM and MLEM identified electromagnetic anomalies within Block 3. Block 3 west was drill tested and returned copper, silver and gold in massive sulphides with potential for a large mineralised system. Block 3 east was drill tested and returned a zone of high-grade gallium. Additional drilling and soil sampling has since extended the high-grade gallium zone surface area to approximately 900m x 650m.

Nimy aims to establish a maiden JORC compliant resource in the first quarter of 2025.

The Discovery

  • The 24NRRC0128 drill hole extends the near surface high-grade gallium strike length intersected previously to 160m and is repeated 220m to the west in hole 24NRRC0129 and 24NRRC0130.
  • Gallium is on the critical metals list for Australia, USA, EU, India, Japan, Republic of Korea and the UK.
  • According to the US Geological Survey, China produces 98 percent of the world’s supply of gallium. China introduced sanctions in August 2023.
  • Gallium is needed to produce gallium nitride(GaN), used in the manufacture of LED’s, magnets, integrated circuits, and solar panels.
  • Gallium handles higher amounts of power than silicon, meaning GaN-based chips can be more efficient and durable than their silicon counterparts.
  • Block 3 has high grade gallium resource potential.

Drilling and Soil Sampling the Block 3 east extension

  • Western drill lines extended the anomaly 240m from the original NRRC0120 & NRRC0121 drillholes.
  • Soil sampling extended the anomalous zones extending to approximately 900m x 650m.
  • Further interpretation of soil samples to be completed with a probable western extension approximately 2.4km west of NRRC0120 and NRRC0121 drillholes reaching a peak value of 38.ppm.

Gallium – Rapidly growing demand

  • Gallium is on the critical metals list for Australia, USA, EU, India, Japan, Republic of Korea and the UK.
  • According to the US Geological Survey, China produces 98 percent of the world’s supply of gallium, China introduced sanctions in August 2023.
  • Gallium is needed to produce gallium nitride (GaN), used in the manufacture of LED’s, magnets, integrated circuits, and solar panels.
  • Multiple defence force applications.
  • Forecast increased demand due to new generation semi-conductors used in AI, supercomputers and data centres.
Global Gallium market size project (in USD Billion)

Key Highlight

  • RC hole NRRC0120 returned 240 metres (0- 240m eoh) @ 50ppm Ga₂O₃ including a highly anomalous zone of 52m @ 105ppm Ga₂O₃ from 0-52m.
  • RC hole NRRC0121 returned 240 metres (0- 240m eoh) @ 68ppm Ga₂O₃ including a highly anomalous zone of 72m @ 117ppm Ga₂O₃ from 52m.

2025 Exploration Goals

  • Outlining the mineralisation potential of the Block 3 prospect areas, aiming at ultimately establishing a mineral resource.
  • Metallurgical testing.
  • Extend soil sampling across anomaly.
  • Air-core/Reverse Circulation extensional drilling.

We know we have a high-grade gallium discovery which runs from surface in a tier one location. Drilling has encountered high grade mineralisation over a 160m strike length, and it remains open. We have also intersected high-grade gallium in two drill holes 220m to the west. Soil sampling indicates significant potential to keep growing the size of the discovery. Given the strong interest from potential partner groups, we intend to establish a JORC Resource, which will help underpin these discussions

Luke Hampson,  Nimy Executive Director

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