Massive Sulphides in first RC hole at Masson

Nimy Resources (ASX:NIM) advises that initial RC hole has intersected a 10m interval of massive and disseminated sulphide mineralisation from 128 138m downhole.

Campaign is designed to test new modelled conductive plates, adjacent to and below the discovery massive sulphide intersection:

  • 5m @ 0.73% nickel, 0.53% copper, 0.06 % cobalt and 0.55g/t PGE’s (Pt Pd) from 102m (ASX: NIM EM anomalies extended at Masson 20/06/2024)
  • Intersection is as anticipated by EM conductive modelling (10,000 siemens) – which bodes well for other modelled anomalies.
  • Two RC pre collar holes now completed. Diamond drill has arrived onsite to drill beneath hole 24NRRC0124 as the anomaly extends sub vertically.

Nimy Executive Director Luke Hampson said:

The initial drill hole testing of recent electromagnetic surveys completed at our Mons project has successfully intersected the top of the anomaly where we anticipated. We await assay results from this intersection of the highest EM response recorded at Masson at 10,000 siemens.

The Masson nickel, copper, cobalt and PGE in massive sulphide discovery has anomalies continuing at depth. RC collars are now complete with the diamond drill onsite to commence drilling the anomaly at depth. The program has stayed on track despite some challenges with the weather and now following completion of Masson the rig will move to the Block 3 copper, gold, silver prospect to drill the large chargeability anomalies modelled following the recent IP survey.”

Figure 1 – Massive sulphide mineralisation from hole 24NRRC0124 at 134-135 metres.
Figure 2 – 24NRRC0124 R/C Drill piles, black material represents massive sulphide intersections (128-138m marked by wooden pegs)
Figure 3 – Location of the Vera’s Gossan, Masson Discovery and Block 3 Prospect within the tenement holding.


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This release has been approved by the Board

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