Nimy Resources (ASX:NIM) advises that four hole drill program of 808 metres of RC and 281 metres of diamond tails on the Masson Ni-Cu Prospect is complete.
- All holes report intercepts of massive, disseminated and vein-style sulphide mineralisation within and adjacent to the drilled EM- targets.
- Final diamond- tail (24NRDD0126) reports sulphide within an interval from 267.7 to 328 metres (60.3 metres) down- hole that includes a 5.2 metre interval of massive sulphide from 295.1 to 300.3 metres and a further 1.8 metres from 310 to 311.7 metres.
- Sulphide mineralisation reports anomalously magnetic pyrrhotite with visible pyrite and chalcopyrite.
- The sulphide-rich interval at Masson now ex tends along at strike length of 220 metres, to a depth of 264 metres and is open in all directions.
- Prospectivity of the VTEM – anomalies on mag features along a 6km trend adjacent to Masson have been upgraded as a result of the drilled intercepts.
- Samples have been submitted to Intertek for assay with an anticipated 4- 5 week turnaround.
Nimy Executive Director Luke Hampson said:
The recently completed RC and diamond drilling at the Masson prospect successfully intersected the targeted interval for sulphide mineralisation in all holes and the system remains open in all directions. The anomalously magnetic response from the mineralised interval suggests that the suite of EM anomalies that extend along the airborne magnetic zone for some 3km to the north of Masson and a suite of EM anomalies along a 3km magnetic feature to the south of Masson are a priority for follow-up”.

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